- Concluded 1996 his Ph.D. in Food Engineering at the Graduate Scholl of the University of Campinas, Brazil;
- Full Professor of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) since 2015, working in Bioprocesses and Food Engineering;
- Researcher – level 1A of the Brazilian Council for Research and Technological Development – CNPq, since 1998;
- Vice-coordinator of Graduate Programs in Food Science at CAPES (2022-2025);
- Training Course at Aviation X-Lab, Dubai Future Foundation, United Arab Emirates (2021);
- Visiting Researcher in 2018 at the University of California San Diego (UCSD);
- Published more than 350 papers in Scientific Journals and more than 1,000 writing presentations in Congress, Seminars, and other events reports;
- Wrote chapters in 35 books;
- Oriented 68 Master Dissertations, 37 Ph.D. Thesis, and 25 Post-docs;
- Is in charge of 10 Ph.D. and 5 Master Thesis nowadays;
- Oriented 95 academic works and 75 Conclusions Monographs of undergraduate students in Food Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, and Biology;
- Received 44 Awards;
- Have been applied for 27 patents;
- Is the Coordinator of the CO2 Biofixation using Microalgae Projects;
- Is the Coordinator of 11 Projects nowadays, including microalgae cultivation, biojet fuel, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biosurfactants, foods, and malnutrition combat;
- Is in charge and involved in projects with many companies, like Emirates Airlines, Airbus Aerospace, G & E Aviation, Petrobrás, Eletrobrás, Bungue, COPESUL, BRASKEM, Refinaria de Petróleo Ipiranga, Bunge, CGTEE, Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira – CTC, IRGOVEL, Zeri Foundation, MCTI, among others;
- Have worked with various Universities, like the University of California San Diego – UCSD, USA; Polytech Clermont-Ferrand – France; Institut Pascal – France; Bielefeld University – Germany; Philipps Universität Märburg – Germany; University of Florence – Italy; University of New York – USA; Universidad de La Savana – Colombia; Universidad de la República – Uruguay; Universitát Degli Studi di Milano – Italy; Technical University of Catalonia – UPC, Spain; among others.

Prof. Dr. Jacques Mick – UFSC